Amazonite–Another Amazing Gemstone of the Month

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If you thought Sodalite was great last month, wait till you learn about all that Amazonite can do for you.  First, a little background, although it may have been named for the Amazon River because of its lovely blue-green color, Amazonite isn’t found anywhere near the river.  It comes mainly from the US, Madagascar, Russia and Australia.  It is a variety of feldspar, the most common type of rock forming mineral on Earth.

Amazonite was used by the Egyptians, and maybe named for the legendary warrior women of that name. And when you find out about all the properties of Amazonite, you may feel like one of those mythic wonders.

Perhaps because of its lovely color, Amazonite is said to have a calming effect on emotions and nerves.  It is a great stone for artists and writers because it is said to enhance creativity and expression.  It also improves analysis, intuition and self-confidence.  It is said to be helpful for those who need to let go of anger, or sadness.  Perhaps its calming color discourages the negatives in life and helps us show compassion to others.

Since it is said to have a positive effect on metabolism, it is great for anyone who wants to lose weight.   It is also a boon to women through conception, pregnancy and childbirth.  It’s even supposed to relieve cramps!

Amazonite can also help you make difficult decisions, such as which of these beautiful pieces of Amazonite jewelry shall I buy?