Attracting Blue Birds to Your Home

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Although the population of bluebirds has declined due to loss of habitat and introduction of predators, you can help to reverse this trend by giving them a safe nesting site. You can help save the species and add a beautiful, natural creature to your surroundings. Bluebirds need a specific house designed just for them. The correct house will discourage aggressive non-native species such as house sparrows and starlings from taking over and killing the babies or fledglings. It also provides a clean, well-ventilated safe place for the nest and nestlings.

In addition to being lovely to look at, bluebirds are voracious insect eaters and will help to keep local pests under control. Artists At Heart’s Charlie Shackelford has designed a great blue bird box. Made of natural untreated wood, it meets all the prospective bluebird couple’s specifications. It has the perfect size opening, no perch, and good ventilation. It is water tight, has drainage holes, and it is easy to open, monitor and clean.